
Timber Sleepers are used day in day out by landscapers and builders alike but how long do they last? These Oak Sleepers have only been in the ground only 10 years & have completely rotted. When considering materials & a budget for any landscaping Project, the first thing to consider is longevity. The cost of…


Finished with a touch of glass 👌 Here we have a unique project that’s been both challenging and rewarding, oak, limestone and stainless steel to name but a few materials used here to give the finish you see. We have started a few more large garden projects so watch the page for some more updates soon 👍…


Hot off the press with another Sunday morning update. As specialists in decks around park homes and lodges we did what we do best and fitted some of our cracking Scandinavian redwood decking to this park home in Oakhampton this week. 2 days this build took, 👌 perfect. If you have a park home or lodge and…